Pure marketplace ethics aligns moral rules with economics: what's good economically is good ethically. Doing good ethically is defined as doing well economically.
Gear decisions to the economic rules of the marketplace.
Key concepts
Good is defined as those actions that produce profit.
Social frameworks including legal codes and regulations, along with traditional social duties including the one to honesty, hold no intrinsic weight and are honored only insofar as they serve the value of profit.
Social and environmental initiatives hold no value independent of business activity and are not recognized from within business activity.
Hard question
What if money doesn't equal happiness?
The Cali Cartel (Narcotrafficking).
UBS Global Wealth Management and Business Banking (Overseas tax sheltering).
Facebook—according to the Winklevoss story: The Winklevoss twins had the idea for Facebook and paid nerdy programmer Mark Zuckerberg to do the programming. He broke his commitment to the brothers, stole the idea, wrote the program for himself and profited.
A manifesto
Prime philosophical theory compatibilities
Rational egoism, psychological egoism, rights theory (under some formulations)
Human values
Strong respect for autonomy, freedom, rights of the individual
Inherent dignity of the individual (entrepreneurship, "the self-made man/woman")
Dignity of others expressed as a refusal to pity others
Community is produced through, and is a collection of autonomous individuals
Compassion for others conditioned by their dignity
Rejection of social institutions rooted in the collective will: collective welfare enabled by opportunities for individuals